
S.D.L.A. provides various classes and workshops to help teach different topics related to food and agriculture. Browse the available classes below:

Intro to Permaculture & Indigenous Regenerative Agriculture - 000

Learn about the basic principles of Permaculture, and Indigenous farming, gardening, and land management practices that can be applied at any skill-level. The information and skills learned can be used to start your journey to learn about growing your own edible landscape, garden, or even food forest to grow some of the healthiest and tastiest foods you've ever eaten! This is also the first class required to receive a 'Permaculture Design Certification' from MMP


Modern Agriculture & Agri-Tech - 001

Learn about modern advancements in technology as they relate to farming and gardening. Discover ways to blend emerging tech with Indigenous wisdom in agriculture ! This is also the sccond class required to receive a 'Permaculture Design Certification' from MMP


Regenerative Soil Preparation & Seed Germination - 002

Learn how to mix and prepare your own organic soil and potting mixtures as well as best methods for germinating seeds using regenerative methods! This is also the third class required to receive a 'Permaculture Design Certification' from MMP


Regenerative Home Gardening - 101